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Professional Teeth Whitening vs. Strips

Find out the differences between professional and at-home teeth whitening procedures.

The smile is our most powerful weapon. Having a nice set of pearly whites can leave a good, lasting impression in social situations such as job interviews, parties, and nearly everything else! On the flip side, that may be difficult to achieve with discolored teeth. But worry not! Teeth whitening technology very much exists and can be accessed in two ways: professionally or over-the-counter.

If you’re on the hunt for a good professional dental service, you can check Dr. Sen and Sen Family Dental Clinic teeth whitening in Winnipeg.

Let’s see how both options compare.

Over-the-counter whitening system

Drugstore teeth whitening products are a low-cost alternative to dentist-supervised teeth whitening. They claim to give the same results (whitened teeth) as professional teeth whitening, only at a much lower price.

There are different types of over-the-counter whitening agents, namely:

  • Rinses
  • Gels
  • Paint-on brushes
  • Whitening strips
  • Whitening kits

All these at-home whitening products contain low levels of an active ingredient called hydrogen peroxide, which is known to effectively whiten teeth. The catch? You’ll get results, but at a significantly slower rate due to the relatively small dose of hydrogen peroxide.

The verdict on OTC products

In all fairness, drugstore whitening products DO work thanks to the active ingredient that is hydrogen peroxide. However, there should be lesser expectations. One, they are less safer than professional teeth whitening services. Two, their formulas are weaker than dentist-supervised teeth whitening. And three, whitened teeth is not actually guaranteed when it comes to at-home products. Remember that we are all built differently—even down to our teeth! This means that the template formula in mass-produced teeth whitening products may not work for everyone. But that’s the hidden price you have to pay.

Professional teeth whitening

A dentist-supervised teeth whitening service comes at a much higher price. But in turn, you’ll experience a safer and more personalized procedure, coupled with a dose of professionalism from your dentist.

In-office procedures such as this one involve the use of a much stronger bleaching agent. They will also make use of a protective layer for the gums to prevent contact with the whitening gel.

Professional teeth whitening procedures usually last for 30-60 minutes depending on the formula used. If you have sensitive teeth, the bleaching dose will likely be much lower. In turn, you’ll have to spend more time waiting for the formula to kick in.

The verdict on professional teeth whitening

Between OTC whitening products and a professionally done procedure, the old adage still stands: you get what you pay for. A delicate procedure such as teeth whitening shows the best results when done in a professional environment, especially those with sensitive teeth. When done by a dentist, you can expect the following:

  • Guaranteed results for whitened teeth
  • Safer execution
  • Instantaneous results

For a premium price, you’re guaranteed to get the pearly whites you’ve always dreamed of.